It's easy to return an item if you're not satisfied.

We will issue a refund to your original form of payment for items returned within 14 days that you received your order. Items must be returned in their original condition; shrink-wrapped products must be unopened. Items on sale or for clearance will not be accepted for returns and will be clearly indicated as such.

Request for Return or Exchanges

Please request for return or exchange of products by emailing us at within 14 days that the order is received. You have to include the following details in the email:

  • Order no:
  • Contact no:
  • Product to return or exchange:
  • Reason for return or exchange:
  • Images of product if found damaged or defective.

Once we receive your request for return or exchange, we shall contact you within three (3) business days for further instructions. To exchange item, please let us know the item you like to have in exchanged.

We will reimburse you the return shipping costs if the products were damaged or wrongly delivered.

NOTE: Shipping charges are non-refundable.

Euryka Naturopathics Sdn Bhd reserves the right for final decision.

Euryka Naturopathics Sdn Bhd reserves the right to alter this policy at any time.

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